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Faculty & Staff Resources

Faculty Support Resources

The Writing Center is a learning space that supports any student in any writing task, at any point of the task, from brainstorming to proofreading, organization to revision. By encouraging your students to utilize our services, you:

  • emphasize your support of their writing skills
  • help them access and utilize campus resources that are tailored to their needs
  • increase the likelihood they will feel confident and comfortable approaching your and other faculty members' writing assignments
  • provide them the opportunity to consider, with a trained and engaged consultant, ways to successfully write for different audiences, purposes, and contexts.

Evidence suggests that students who use the Writing Center on their own or due to positive incentive are likely to be more academically engaged. Some ways that you can support this engagement include:

  • having a Writing Center consultant present to your class
  • bringing your class to the Writing Center for a personalized tour
  • make visiting the Online Writing Studio a requirement for your course
  • partner with the Writing Center to support a particular assignment.

If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, or have other suggestions, please contact the Writing Center at 281-283-2910 or 

Class Presentations

Faculty can request a 15-minute presentation that describes the services the Writing Center offers. A Writing Center consultant provides a general introduction and brings brochures and any other handouts or tip sheets you request.

Please submit your request at least one week in advance of the date on which you would like the presentation to take place. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the availability of a consultant.

Class Presentation Request Form

Course-Embedded Consultants

Our Writing Center tutors are available to join a class as a course-embedded consultant (CEC). Course-embedded consultants can:

  • join face-to-face or online courses
  • attend some or all of your class meetings and serve as a point-of-contact for the Writing Center
  • work directly with your students on in-class writing days
  • meet with you regularly to discuss assignment goals and student writing needs
  • lead a Writing Circle for your students
  • help your students schedule one-on-one writing consultations when a project due date is approaching.

Writing Center administrators will work with faculty to arrange a CEC for a class. Please inquire through the link below or by contacting the Writing Center at 281-283-2910 or

Course-Embedded Consultant Request Form

Faculty and Staff Resources

The Writing Center supports UHCL faculty and staff in several ways:

  • Our writing consultation services are available to individual faculty and staff members who would like assistance with personal or business-related writing projects.
  • Our services include assistance with grant writing and proposals, and our consultants are specifically trained to assist with the Faculty Research and Support Funds (FRSF) application.
  • We provide writing-related professional development to departments that would like their staff to develop specific writing skills.
  • Our writing consultants are available to speak about our services at orientations, job fairs or any other campus-related gathering.

Make an Appointment

For more information on our services, contact the Writing Center at 281-283-2910 or


  • Writing Center

    Phone: 281-283-2910

    SSCB 2.101
    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Regular Office Hours:
    Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Spring 2025 Tutoring Hours:
    Mon.-Thurs.: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
    Fri.: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Sat.: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (online, face-to-face, drop-in, drop-off, and appointments)

    Please call ahead during holidays and semester breaks.