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Protection of Human Subjects

IRB (Institutional Review Board)

UHCL's institutional review board (IRB) is comprised of members from each of the four colleges and includes alternates in case the primary member is not present. Other members include external and non-research individuals. The UHCL IRB is organized and operated in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations and under Federalwide Assurance No. 00004068.

The protections apply to studies conducted internally by faculty or staff and to external studies conducted by grantees and contractors. UHCL adheres to the principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code, Belmont Report, and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.  

Beginning September 1, 2024, we will no longer accept IRB applications via email. All applications, amendments, and renewals will need to be submitted via Cayuse after this date.

You don't have to wait! We are now accepting studies for IRB review in Cayuse.

Cayuse IRB

Training and Assistance

Ready to switch to Cayuse? Use our self-paced asynchronous training to learn the basics. Investigators who participate in the training agree to become Early Adopters of Cayuse IRB and submit all future studies via Cayuse.

Self-Paced Training for Investigators

Still need help? Join our virtual office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., call (281) 283-3015, or email 

Zoom Link for Office Hours

Accessing Cayuse

Access Cayuse through (look for the IRB Application button).
If does not automatically log you in to Cayuse or you need guest access, use the access request form below.

Request for Cayuse Access

Guests: use this link to log back in after we set up your account.

Guest Access to Cayuse



Required Training

Complete "Social-Behavioral-Educational Researchers" course on the CITI website every three (3) years. Make sure your primary email in CITI is your UHCL email.

Register for the CITI course: Step-by-step with screenshots (PDF)

Transferring your CITI training in to UHCL from a different university? Follow these steps:

  • Log into your CITI account. If you can't remember your user name and password, contact CITI.
  • You must be affiliated with both institutions (your prior institution and UHCL).
  • The CITI Program website Main Menu page will have a section called "My Learner Tools" for your prior institution.
  • Follow the "Click here to affiliate with another institution" link to add an affiliation.
  • Type and select "University of Houston-Clear Lake" and click "Next".
  • Once you have affiliated with both institutions, on the Main Menu page under University of Houston-Clear Lake select "Add a Course or Update Learner Groups".
  • Enroll in the UHCL Social-Behavioral-Educational Researcher course.
    • You will need to enroll in the same stage of the course (Basic/Refresher) for a proper transfer to occur.
  • Once you are enrolled in the UHCL course, any modules that are shared between the two institutions' courses will have their credit transferred automatically.
  • The researcher is responsible for completing any UHCL modules that were not completed by the transfer of credits.
Sample Informed Consent/Assent Forms

Adult Participant Consent

Online Survey Consent

  • Online Survey Instructions
    • This document provides instructions regarding online surveys and what types of information to include in the IRB application and informed-informational research document.
  • Informed-Informational Research Document
    • This form is used for projects that have requested and received IRB waiver for documentation of informed consent. Participants' signatures are not required.

Working with Minors (Non-Educational Settings)

Working with Minors (Educational Settings)

En Español

Serve on the IRB Committee

Committee members review expedited and exempt IRB protocols and can request more information from investigators and approve the studies. The member can also recommend that studies be reviewed by the full board.
All members participate in full board review discussions. Voting members make the final decision on full board reviews.

Join the IRB Committee

  1. Complete the CITI Training for IRB Committee Members
  2. Request to join
    1. Faculty - contact your dean
    2. Staff & Community members - contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at

IRB Committee Cayuse Training

Part 1 - Navigation (YouTube, 15:14)
Part 2 - Leaving Comments and Returning to PI (YouTube, 19:20)
Part 3 - Resolving Comments and Finalizing the Review (YouTube, 3:52)
Part 4 - Full Board Meetings (YouTube, 15:41)

Pre-Cayuse Submission Instructions

Pre-Cayuse Procedures
  1. Complete or renew your Social-Behavioral-Educational Researchers CITI Training
  2. Develop instruments and gather other required attachments
  3. Fill out an application
  4. Email completed application, CITI certificates for all investigators, and instruments/attachments to
Making Changes to Pre-Cayuse Protocols

Extending the End Date

Use our two-question survey to determine the best course of action when you need to extend the end date of your study protocol.

Amendments - Adding Researchers or Updating Forms

To add UHCL researchers, submit an updated application with changes highlighted along with the researchers' CITI certificates to Be sure to reference the protocol number given in the decision letter.

To add non-UHCL researchers, ask your colleague to get in touch with their institution's IRB office. ORSP will need to coordinate with the other institution to establish permissions on both sides, usually with a reliance agreement (also known as IAA). 
All researchers need to have current CITI training certificates for working with human subjects (Social-Behavioral-Educational Researchers). See Required Training above for more information.

To update your consent forms or recruitment materials, submit the updated application and forms with changes highlighted to Be sure to reference the protocol number given in the decision letter.

Continuing Review for Expiring Protocols

Continuing Review/Study Status Form (DOCX) - Submit this form to along with all updated application materials when renewing your IRB protocol.

Full Text of Official Procedures

Update expected Summer 2024

2023 Federal and University Guidelines (PDF)



  • Sponsored Programs
    Phone: 281-283-3015
    Fax: 281-283-2143

    Bayou Building, 2531
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 44
    Houston, TX 77058-1002