Animal Care
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a federally mandated committee that reviews all protocols involving animals to ensure that they are justified by their benefits and minimize any animal pain or suffering that might occur. The use of animal research and teaching is a privilege that comes with both professional and moral obligations.
The IACUC is dedicated to supporting the education and research mission of UHCL while maintaining compliance with Federal and State animal care principles, guidelines, and regulations. This is achieved by the review and approval of all projects in teaching and research involving the use of live vertebrate animals by the IACUC prior to initiation.
In addition, the IACUC also reviews the institutional program for animal use and conducts inspections of all areas where animals are housed and used.
Animal Research Submission Procedure
- Complete or Renew Required Training
- CITI Working with Animals
CITI Enrollment Instructions (PDF)- All investigators must complete "Working with IACUC" module
- Additionally, you must enroll in and complete module(s) based on species
- If performing field work, must also complete "Wildlife Research" module
- Additional CITI training may be required once your protocol has been reviewed
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Training for Animal Care
- Required medical surveillance questions can be accessed within the Canvas training course
- Additional training may be required once your protocol has been reviewed
(i.e., Wilderness First Aid/CPR, Laboratory Safety, DOT/IATA, Biosafety, Chemical Hygiene) - Contact Niki Pearce at for more information regarding OHS training
- CITI Working with Animals
- Review the Instructions for Completing and Submitting IACUC Protocols (PDF)
- Submit the IACUC Protocol Form (DOCX) with proof of completed training to and copy
Upcoming Submission Deadlines
March 28, 2025
2025-2026 submission calendar coming soon.
Animal Welfare Concerns
If you have any concerns, fill out an Animal Incident Report and submit it to the IACUC Chair at and copy
Alternatively, you can file a complaint at the UH System level.
General Information
Additional Resources
- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. (PDF)
- American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines on Euthanasia (PDF)
- OLAW - NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
- USDA Animal Welfare Act and Regulations
- AWIC - USDA Animal Welfare Information Center
- Looking for alternatives to the use of laboratory animals? Try the USDA National Agricultural Library