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Faculty and Academic Administrator Recruitment

All tenure-track faculty and academic administrators are hired through a national search process conducted by the colleges or, in the case of administrators, the Provost or the Associate Vice Presidents.

Exceptions to a national search are:

  • Adjunct faculty
  • Visiting faculty and faculty positions on a one-year or less appointment
  • Interim administrator/academic professional staff positions

Hiring Procedures

Faculty Searches

To begin the search process, the college dean requests approval for a full-time faculty search from the Provost. After approval is obtained, a faculty recruitment plan listing the chair, members of the search committee, publications in which advertisements will appear and other recruiting activities is completed. All search-related expenses must be coordinated with Academic Business Services, B2528 or Box 74.

All ad copies must be approved by Faculty Affairs prior to any internal or external postings. After approval of the ad copy, Faculty Affairs will post the vacancy on the UHCL website and with other recruitment agencies as appropriate. Once Faculty Affairs has posted the position, the college can then advertise nationally if desired. To advertise nationally a purchase request using vendors noted in the faculty recruitment plan, along with a copy of the approved ad, should be submitted to Academic Business Services.

All information relating to meal reimbursements and travel reimbursements, including receipts, invoices, etc., should be submitted to Academic Business Services to ensure that the reimbursements are within the guidelines set by the Provost for academic recruiting as outlined below:

  • Limit 3 to 4 persons per meal (counting the candidate)
  • Breakfast limit: $12 per person
  • Lunch limit: $20 per person
  • Dinner limit: $35 per person
  • Limits include tax and gratuity
  • Alcoholic beverages cannot be reimbursed

When the search has concluded, the Dean forwards a memo to the Provost advising him that the search committee has made a selection and requests approval to make a verbal offer to the candidate. If the Provost approves, the Dean will contact the candidate with an offer. Upon acceptance of the offer, Faculty Affairs prepares an official offer letter, which is sent to the candidate.

Full details can be obtained at the UHCL Faculty Handbook, Policy 4.2.

Academic Administrator and/or Academic Professional Staff Searches

The Provost and/or Associate Vice President (AVP) appoints the chair and search committee members for academic administrator searches. A search plan is prepared using the same guidelines as the faculty search. As with faculty searches, all related expenses are coordinated through Academic Business Services, B2528 or Box 74, if funded by the Office of the Provost.

Once the committee has selected two to three final candidates, the Provost or AVP makes the final selection and contacts the candidate with an offer. Upon acceptance of the offer, the Office of the Provost prepares an official offer letter, which is sent to the candidate.

Full details can be obtained at the UHCL Faculty Handbook, Policy 4.2.

Download the Faculty Handbook


  • Office of the Provost

    Phone: 281-283-3000
    Fax: 281-283-3009
    Bayou Building, 2525
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 74
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office hours:
    Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.