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Hawk Express Shuttle Service

UHCL Courtesy Shuttle Bus

The Hawk Express is operated as a courtesy service by the Parking and Transportation Department for UHCL students, faculty, staff and community members. We provide limited transportation services on and off campus as well as to UHCL Pearland campus. The Hawk Express operates on an established route and is not available by individual request.

On-Campus and Bay Area Blvd Shuttle Stops

Download the Shuttle Route Map (PDF)

Rules to Ride


  • Show valid UHCL ID to the shuttle driver.
  • Arrive 3-5 minutes before scheduled time.
  • Seats next to the door are reserved for anyone with disabilities, elderly, and/or expecting mothers.
  • Wait for Passengers to exit the shuttle before entering.
  • Remain seated until shuttle comes to a complete stop.
  • Give your full government name when asked by the driver.
  • Drinks must be in containers with lids or tops that prevent spilling.
  • Use headphone when listening to music, videos, or any noise media.
  • Keep aisle free of all items (backpacks, tote bags, purses, etc).
  • Report any items/objects left behind in the shuttle.
  • Keep your hands, feet, and other body parts to yourself.
  • When waiting for the bus, take at least three large steps away from the curb.


  • Stand or move while the shuttle is in motion.
  • Smoking is not permitted.
  • Bring food that can be messy and give off strong smells that disturb others.
  • Have lengthy or loud chats on your cellphone.
  • Hold up and try to board the shuttle.
  • Cross the street in front of or behind the shuttle.
  • No alcohol is permitted. Passengers shall not ride the shuttle in an inebriated state.
  • Open any shuttle windows.
  • Stand when the shuttle is in motion.
  • No disruptive behavior, harassing, inappropriate language, or physical violence is permitted.
  • Place any part of your body outside the shuttle windows (including hands, arms, and head).
  • Make any sexual references, sexually implicit remarks, gestures, or touch other passengers and/or driver.
  • Make a request to the driver to drop you off at any locations not on the shuttle schedule.
  • Leave trash in the shuttle.

Pearland Sign Up

Sign-ups for the Pearland route are opened every Friday at 10 a.m. and close on Monday at 12 a.m. Access the sign-up form here.

Grocery Trip Sign Up

Use the Grocery Trip Form to reserve a seat on the shuttle for the weekly grocery trip. Signups close every Friday at 10 a.m. and there are a maximum of 12 seats available. If 4 seats are not filled by Friday, the grocery trip for that week will be cancelled.


Accommodation Request

For students needing special transportation accommodations within the advertised UHCL shuttle scheduled route, contact Parking at or call 281-283-2277.


  • Parking and Transportation

    Phone: 281-283-2277

    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Parking Information Window
    Location: B1636
    Office Hours
    8 a.m.-5 p.m.