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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the Parking Office?

You can visit the parking window located in Bayou #1636. In addition, you can contact the Parking and Transportation directly at 281-283‐CARS (2277) or

Parking and Transportation Department staff are available:

  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

After hours, or when customer service representatives are not available, leave a voice message or send an email. Your message will be returned in a timely manner.

When is parking enforced?

Parking is enforced 24/7 in all employee lots, but currently not enforced from 12 pm on Friday through all day Sunday in student parking lots. This is subject to change.

Can I get a refund after I purchase my parking permit?

No. All sales of parking permits are final.

My parking permit has not arrived in the mail. What should I do?

During the purchase of your permit, you had to verify the address you wanted it mailed to. If you have a permanent address that differs from your school address, check this address. Upon purchase, a temporary permit is available immediately to print out. Keep this temporary permit on your dashboard to avoid citations; extra time will be given for permits to arrive in the mail. Please be aware that permits can take a long time to arrive—up to 15 days in some cases. If it takes longer than this, contact the office at 281‐283‐CARS (2277) or

I am driving a different vehicle today and do not have my permit. What do I do?

dashboard or use the ParkMobile app and park in a visitor or student lot. The pay structure is as follows: 2 hours = $4.00, 4 hours = $7.50, all day = $10.00.

I am an adjunct. How much do I pay for a permit?

Adjuncts receive a reduced rate on parking. The pay schedule is as follows: $30 per long semester / $25 per summer / $50 annually.

I am not classified as a UHCL employee; I am a temporary or contracted employee. Do I have to buy a parking permit?

Check with the department that hired you to find out if any parking arrangements have been made. All vehicles must display a valid parking permit while parked on campus.

I am a one‐time visitor to campus. Do I have to purchase a permit?

Check with the department, school, or office you are visiting to find out if any parking arrangements have been made. Otherwise, all vehicles must display a valid parking permit while parked on campus, which may be purchased at the visitor's pay station or use the ParkMobile app.

How do I purchase a temporary parking permit?

To purchase a temporary permit, you will need to visit a payment kiosk and pay with a credit or debit card to receive a permit to display on your dashboard or use the ParkMobile app on your phone. The pay structure is as follows: 2 hours = $4.00, 4 hours = $7.50, all day = $10.00.

Where can I find a payment kiosk?

Currently, there are three payment kiosks at the Clear Lake campus: Lot G near the Delta Building, the Visitor Lot (Lot R) across from the main entrance of the Bayou Building, and in front of the Recreation and Wellness Center in Lot D. There is also one payment kiosk at the main entrance of the Pearland campus. The machines accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. If the kiosk malfunctions, please call the parking office at 281‐283‐CARS (2277) to report the problem.

I have a promo code. How would I use it at one of the payment kiosks?

Below are the instructions once you arrive at one of the payment kiosk. 

Push any key to start the machine. It is solar powered and needs a key pushed to start it up.

  • Choose 3) Daily $10 and push "Ok"
  • Enter the number of days (usually just one day) and push "Ok"
  • If you have a promo-code push 1) yes and enter promo-code

How can I obtain a temporary handicapped parking permit?

To use a handicapped space, you must obtain a handicapped placard or plates from the Department of Motor Vehicles in addition to the UHCL parking permit or daily visitors parking permit. To find out more about purchasing a handicapped permit, go to form VTR‐214.

I received a parking citation; how do I pay or appeal it?

You may pay or appeal your citation by going to the Parking Portal. Search your citation number or plate number to find the citation. You can also log in with your BlackBoard information (the same login you use to buy a parking permit) and click "Citations" at the top of the page.

How long do I have to pay my citation?

You have 14 days to pay or appeal your citation. After this period, a $20 late fee will be added.

My department or school is hosting a special event. How do I arrange for parking?

Contact the Parking and Transportation Department at 281‐283‐CARS (2277) or to make arrangements for reduced cost permits (typically $3.00 each), or to purchase a block of unenforced time.



  • Parking and Transportation

    Phone: 281-283-2277

    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Parking Information Window
    Location: B1636
    Office Hours
    8 a.m.-5 p.m.