Current Projects
EIH collaborates with a diverse group of partnership organizations from the public and private sectors. EIH receives partial funding by the Texas Legislature, but research projects are funded primarily by grants, contracts, and donations from agencies, corporations, foundations, and individuals.
Critical Life History Parameters of the Texas Diamond-backed Terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin littoralis
EIH continues to build upon previous research on the population and distribution of
the Texas diamond-backed terrapin in the upper Texas coast.
Design, Construction, and Analysis of Floating Wetlands
EIH researchers will build and analyze floating treatment wetland systems as an additional
technology approach to reduce stormwater pollutant loads.
Establishing a Network of Eel Ramps to Monitor Recruitment of Glass and Elver American
EIH researchers are constructing and deploying eel ramps specially designed to target
ingressing glass eels and elvers along the central to upper Texas Coast.
Galveston Bay Dolphin Research Program
The objectives of this project are to implement a monitoring program for bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Galveston Bay, Texas; to determine relative abundance within the upper Galveston
Bay Estuary and Houston Ship Channel; and to characterize residency patterns, habitat
use and ranging patterns of these dolphins.
Microplastic Distribution and Impacts to Diamond-backed Terrapin, Highlighting Public
Education and Future Effects of Sea-level Rise
The primary goal of this project is to evaluate and disseminate data related to dispersion
and future effects of microplastic contaminants within shoreline habitats.
National Coastal Condition Assessment
The National Coastal Condition Assessment (NCCA) is a national coastal monitoring
program with rigorous quality assurance protocols and standardized sampling procedures
designed to produce national and regional estimates of coastal condition.
Texas Clean Rivers Program
The goal of the CRP is to maintain and improve the quality of water resources within
each river basin in Texas through an ongoing partnership involving TCEQ, river authorities,
local and state governments, industry, citizens and other agencies. EIH conducts routine
ambient monitoring at 55 CRP sites in the Houston-Galveston area.
Upscaling Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Hazard Reduction in a Deltaic Environment:
Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta
This project aims to better understand how to up-scale locally appropriate mangrove
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) across the Volta Delta in Ghana.