University Catalog
University of Houston-Clear Lake's catalog contains the most up-to-date details regarding academic offerings and information for the academic year. UHCL encourages applicants and students to refer to this catalog for general information and guidance, but recommends that students confer with their academic advisor to confirm that they're following the catalog correctly, that they understand the requirements of their specific course of study, and that they're looking at the catalog that corresponds with the year of their enrollment.
Any academic unit may issue additional or more specific information that is consistent with approved policy. The information in the catalog supersedes that issued by any other unit if there is a conflict between the two.
Current Catalog
The undergraduate and graduate catalogs contains degree requirements for all majors, rules, descriptions of courses, and information about each college.
UHCL Catalog Archives
Archived university catalogs are available as PDFs beginning with the 2006-2007 academic year.