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Housing Cancellation

Housing Cancellation Process

All Housing Cancellation requests and appeals must be submitted by the student, from their UHCL email account. Requests written or submitted by anyone other than the student will not be accepted.

All requests and appeals are to be submitted in writing (via a written statement or email) to for consideration.

Students will be contacted through their UHCL email ( with decisions related to their request and/or appeal.

Housing Cancellation Deadlines

2024-25 Housing Cancellation Dates and Fees
Cancellation Date Fees
Jan. 6, 2025 and later $600.00 with Housing Appeal Committee decision
2025-26 Housing Cancellation Dates and Fees
Cancellation Date Fees
Before April 30, 2025 No Fee
May 1 - July 15, 2025 $300.00
July 16 - Aug. 13, 2025 $600.00
Aug. 13, 2025 and later $600.00 with Housing Appeal Committee decision

How to Submit a Housing Cancellation Request

Step 1: Prepare a written statement regarding your specific request.

Step 2: Include any relevant information as well as supporting documentation.

Step 3: Send an email from your UHCL email to The email should contain your name, student ID#, room#, along with your written statement and any supporting documentation you wish to include.

If the housing cancellation request is not approved, the Housing Appeals Committee will review the request and subsequent documentation. Please see the next section for details.

The Housing Appeals Committee consists of UHCL faculty, staff and students. This committee will convene to hear all housing cancellation requests. The student does not meet in-person with the committee.

This Housing Appeals Committee meets on a monthly basis. As such, students must submit their housing cancellation request by the 5th of the month (or as schedules permit), in order for it to be considered in a timely manner.

How to Submit a Housing Appeal

Students may submit an appeal regarding their housing cancellation request to Student Housing and Residential Life, within 5 business days of the original appeal decision, and only if one or more of the following criteria is met. Appeals will not be heard on the basis of the student (or others) being dissatisfied with the original decision.

  • The student possesses additional information and/or documentation to be considered since the original submission of their written appeal.
  • The student feels they have been treated unfairly throughout the process.

Step 1: Make sure your written appeal (written statement or email) meets one or more of the criteria as stated above.

Step 2: Send an email from your UHCL email to

The Assoc. Dean of Students, Director  of Student Housing will review the written appeal (3 to 5 business days) and decide whether or not to accept the appeal and conduct an in-person meeting with the student.

If an appeal meeting is granted, the Assoc. Dean of Students, Director of Student Housing will schedule an in-person meeting with the student. Upon completion of the appeal meeting, the Director will notify the student in writing with their final appeal decision (3 to 5 business days).

If an appeal meeting is not granted, the Assoc. Dean of Students, Director of Student Housing will notify the student in writing (3 to 5 business days).


  • Student Housing and Residential Life

    Phone: 281-283-2615

    Hunter Hall
    635 Bayou Road
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office hours:
    Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.