Khondker Shajadul Hasan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Science,
College of Science and Engineering
Contact number: 281-283-3876
Email: hasank@uhcl.edu
Office: Delta 170
Dr. Hasan has been an associate professor in the Computer Science program since fall 2021. He joined UHCL as an assistant professor of computer science in the fall of 2016. He teaches both graduate- and undergraduate-level courses. His research interest includes blockchain-based security models, prediction models, distributed task dispatchers, GPU performance modeling, etc.
Before joining UHCL, he was working at Schlumberger Technology USA, as a senior software
engineer from 2014-2016. At Schlumberger, he was associated with the future of rigs
project with Planck core research and development group and received several cutting-edge
trainings and certificates. He oversaw integration direction drilling and environment
correction of gamma-ray models in the future of the rig project.
Dr. Hasan received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Oklahoma,
Norman, USA in 2014. His Ph.D. supervisor was Dr. John K. Antonio, Dean of CSE, OU.
His dissertation title is “Prediction Models for Estimating the Efficiency of Distributed
Multi-core Systems.” His research directions were parallel and distributed computing,
multi-core performance, prediction models, and general-purpose computing using a graphical
processing unit (GPGPU).
He received his M.S. in Computer Science from Wichita State University, Kansas, USA,
in 2001. He worked as a lecturer and was promoted to senior lecturer from 2002 to
2009 in the Computer Science Department at North South University (NSU), Bangladesh.
He was voted as one of the finalists of the Piper Award for six consecutive years
(2022-17). Dr. Hasan was also the recipient of the distinguished alumni award 2017
based on his academic achievement and service to the community at North South University.
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Expertise
- Distributed computing, performance prediction models for multi-core CPU
- Security models using Blockchain and IoT Technologies
- Parallel algorithms, programming, and architecture for GPGPU applications using CUDA
- Distributed network systems, HPC, scheduling, and big data analytics
- Enterprise Java programming (J2EE) and testing environment
- Dot Net development (C#), MSTest, TFS build definitions, and other TFS services
- Distributed algorithms and programming in Linux environment with C/C++
- Advanced relational & object-oriented databases and performance optimization (LINQ)
- Khondker Shajadul Hasan, Akshita Vaddi, Shezad R. Khondker, “Utilizing Blockchain Technology in Cyber Security to Prevent Drug Fraud in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data (ICEIB 2021), Yilan, Taiwan, December 10-12, 2021.
- Khondker Shajadul Hasan, Ranjith K. Prasanna, Soma Datta, “Machine Learning Predictive Analysis Model in Smart Farming for Internet of Things (IoT) Devices”, The 3rd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Systems (ICDECS-19), Technical co-sponsor: IEEE, Bengaluru, India, Dec 19-20, 2019.
- Anuprabha Arputharaj, Soma Datta, Khondker S. Hasan, “Impact of Distance Measures on Imbalanced Classes for Rule Extraction”, The 6th Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2019), Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE SMC Society, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 19-20, 2019.
- Zakir Yusuf, Khondker S. Hasan, Amlan Chatterjee, Naomi Wiggins, “Improving Data Security in Message Communication between ACT and Aircraft using New Private Blockchain”, The IEEE International Symposium on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2019), Granada, Spain, October 22-25, 2019.
- Khondker S. Hasan, Hazera Nasreen Razvi, Amlan Chatterjee, “A New Distributed Task Look-ahead Predictive Model for Optimized Job Allocation”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2018), Sponsored: IEEE Bangalore, Mysuru, India, December 2018.
- Amlan Chatterjee, Rushabh Jitendrakumar Shah, and Khondker Hasan, “Efficient Data Compression for IoT Devices Using Huffman Coding Based Techniques”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data workshop IOTDA, Sponsored: IEEE Computer Society and Springer, Seattle, WA, USA, December 2018.
- Khondker S. Hasan, Mohammad Rob, Amlan Chatterjee, “Correlation-based Empirical Model for Estimating CPU Availability for Multi-Core Processor in a Computer Grid”, 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2018.
- Khondker S. Hasan, “Performance Enhancement and Prediction Model of Concurrent Thread Execution in JVM”, 14th Int'l Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV-17), Organized under: The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering & Applied Computing (CSCE’17), Nevada, USA, 17-20 July 2017.
- Khondker S. Hasan, John K. Antonio, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, "A model-driven approach for predicting and analysing the execution efficiency of multi-core processing”, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), INDERSCIENCE Publishers, Vol: 14, No 2, Page 105 – 125, Olney, Bucks, UK, March 2017.
- Khondker S. Hasan, John K. Antonio, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, "A New Multi-core CPU Resource Availability Prediction Model for Concurrent Processes”, The 2017 IAENG International Conference on Computer Science (ICCS-17), Organized under: International MultiConference of Engineers
Courses (Current Academic Year)
- CSCI 1320: Introduction to C Programming
- CSCI 1370: Software Development with Java
- CSCI 1471: Computer Science II (Java)
- CSCI 2305: Data Structures for Science and Engineering
- CSCI 4316: Advanced Enterprise Java and Frameworks [New CS Elective]
- CSCI 4333: Design of Database Systems
- CSCI 4391: Parallel Systems and GPU Computing [New CS Special Topic]
- CSCI 4391: Modern Software Design & Development [New CS Special Topic]
- CSCI 5134: Concurrent Programming & Software Modeling
- CSCI 5333: Database Management Systems
- CSCI 5432: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CSCI 5531: Advanced Operating Systems
- CSCI 5931: Parallel Systems and GPU Computing [New CS Special Topic]
Research Projects
- Security models using Blockchain technology and IoT devices
- GPU and CPU performance prediction models
- Parallel algorithms and architecture of GPU (GPGPU with CUDA)
- Distributed networks, algorithms, scheduling, and security
- Algorithm analysis and design ideas
- Software engineering processes and architectures
Awards and Accomplishments
Awards and Accomplishments
- The Piper Award Semi-Finalist, University of Houston – Clear Lake [2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017]
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of North South University, Dhaka, 2017
- Computer Science Advisory Board award, School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 2013-14
- Lean Software Design & Development Certification, Schlumberger, Sugarland, TX, July 2015
- Advanced Object-Oriented Design Certification, Schlumberger, Sugarland, TX, May 2015
- Cache eXtreme Developer Certification, InterSystems Corporation, Schlumberger, TX, Nov 2014
Committee Memberships – Guest Editor, TPC, and Reviewer
- Guest Editor, Special issue on " Trusted Computing for Smart Networking Applications" in Cluster Computing. The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, Elsevier, Submission deadline: December 30, 2021
- Guest Editor, Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, Special issue on Artificial intelligence and Internet of People for hyper connected cyber physical systems, Elsevier, Submission deadline: Jan 30 2021
- Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member, The 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2023), will be held at Shonan Institute of Technology, Fujisawa, Japan during June 23-25, 2023
- TPC Member, The 5th International Conference on Electronics Communication Technologies (ICECT 2023) will be held in Nanning, Guangxi, China, during May 25-28, 2023
- TPC Member, The 5th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), New York City, 4-6th March 2022
- TPC Member, The 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2022), Chiba, Japan, 24-26 June 2022
- TPC Member, The 4th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), Virtual, 11-14th March 2021
- TPC Member, The International Conference on "Advances in Data Computing, Communication and Security 2021", in Online Mode from 08-10 September 2021 at the National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
- TPC Member, 5th IEEE International Conference ICEECCOT-2020 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, India, December 2020
- TPC Member, The IEEE 2nd World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE 2019), Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, December 2019
- TPC Member, 4th IEEE International Conference ICEECCOT-2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, India, February 2019
- Reviewer, The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, USA, 2017 – Present
- Reviewer, The Computer Journal, Oxford Press, UK, 2018 – Present
- Reviewer, The Sensor Journal, Belgrade, Serbia
- Robberson Grants: Research & Travel, Grad College, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 2014
- HPCA 2014 Student Grant: IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, 2014
- Computer Science Advisory Board Scholarship: School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 2012-13
- Faculty Advisor: Computer Club, North South University, Fall 2002 – Fall 2009
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Member # 156478, 2016 – Present
- IEEE, Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IEEE Communications Society, Member
- Schlumberger Eureka Technical Community (SETC) Member, Schlumberger, 2014-15
- Gamma Beta Phi Society, Student Member, Norman, Oklahoma, 2014-15
- Beta Beta Beta Society, Faculty Member, Houston, Texas 2016 - Present