Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Ombudsperson do?
- Listen to faculty and staff
- Answer questions
- Help to analyze situations
- Interpret university policies and procedures
- Develop, examine, and reality-test options
- Help untangle bureaucratic red tape
- Suggest appropriate referrals
- Assist in finding a resolution
- Apprise administration of significant trends
- Recommend changes in policies and procedures
- Identify options to resolve problems
- Maintain confidentiality
What does the Ombudsperson NOT do?
- Take sides
- Make or change rules
- Participate in any formal hearings or procedures
- Make policy
- Receive official "notice" to the university
- Disclose information provided in confidence
- Serve as an advocate for any party
- Maintain official records
- Give legal advice
- Breach confidentiality
When should you visit the Ombudsperson?
- When simpler attempts have been unsuccessful in resolving a problem.
- When you believe you have been treated unfairly.
- When you do not know which policies, procedures, or regulations might apply in your situation.
- When you are unsure of where to go or what options exist to solve a problem.
- When you believe a policy, procedure, or regulation has been unfairly or wrongly applied.
- When you believe a policy, procedure, or regulation is unfair, illegal, or confusing.
- When you need help negotiating a situation.
- When you need help facilitating communication.
- When you have a question or a complaint about an office, service, or decision.
How is my privacy protected?
Confidentiality and neutrality are the cornerstones of the Ombuds office. The Ombudsperson will not share your information without your permission unless there is imminent risk of serious harm, and where there is no other reasonable option.
The Ombudsperson does not testify in any formal process inside the organization and resists testifying in any formal process outside the organization, even if given permission or requested to do so.
The Ombudsperson reports about trends and provides feedback, but any data or reports are prepared in a manner that protects confidentiality. Any notes regarding a visitor are seen only by the Ombudsperson.
As we cannot guarantee the total privacy of email, we discourage you from e-mailing any confidential information.