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University Staff Association Constitution

Article I – Name
Section 1 -The name of this organization shall be the University Staff Association. For the purpose of identification and brevity, the University of Houston-Clear Lake shall be referred to as “UHCL” and the University Staff Association shall be referred to as “USA.”
Article II – Purpose

Section 1 - The purpose of this association is to:

  1. provide representation in the shared governance structure for the staff of UHCL in all matters relating to the welfare, opportunities, and responsibilities of staff members;
  2. promote positive and meaningful communication, coordination, and collaboration between staff, faculty, students, administration, and with other components of the university;
  3. promote cooperation, volunteerism, and unity among staff members; and
  4. provide opportunities for professional development for staff members.

Section 2 - The Mission of this association is:

  1. The USA at UHCL is an organization of university employees engaged in interaction and dialogue with faculty, staff, and students. The association provides increased opportunities for its members through collective input, networking, scholarship, and professional development, inspired by the experience and participation of its elected officials and committee representatives, and cooperation with its general membership.

Section 3 - The Vision of this association is:

  1. The USA is committed to giving staff members a voice within our university community, providing members with learning opportunities, and advocating for their current and future needs. USA members believe that education, involvement, and collaboration encourage constructive leadership within the university community.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 - Membership in the USA shall consist of benefits-eligible staff at UHCL who are not on tenure-track and whose primary responsibility is not classroom instruction.
Article IV – Executive Board

Section 1 - The affairs of the USA shall be managed by the duly elected members of the Executive Board. Elected officers, shared governance representatives, alternates, and committee chairs are voting members of the USA Executive Board.

Section 2 - Immediate Past President, Webmaster, non-elected committee members and Task Force Representatives are non-voting members of the Executive Board.

Section 3 - The term of each office shall be one year, beginning on the first class day of the fall semester.

Section 4 - Subcommittee representatives remain in office through the end of the academic year, ending their term of office with a change in officers and committee representatives.

Section 5 - Task Force representatives remain on the Executive Board until the assigned task is completed.

Article V – Advisors

Section 1  - The USA is advised by the following UHCL administrators:

  1. President;
  2. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs;
  3. Vice President of Administration and Finance.
Article VI – Meetings

Section 1 - The President shall hold an Executive Board meeting monthly.

Section 2 - The President shall preside over all general membership meetings and provide an agenda to all members prior to the meeting. General membership meetings shall be held at least once each month. A USA- sponsored event may be classified as a general membership meeting.

Section 3 - The President may call special meetings at any time.

Article VII – Quorum and Voting for Conducting Business

Section 1 - For the purposes of this document, a quorum is defined as fifty percent (50%) of the Executive Board. No vote may be held without a quorum. A majority of those members voting shall cause a proposal to pass.

Section 2 - For the purposes of this document, a quorum is defined as ten percent (10%) of the USA membership. No vote may be held without a quorum. A majority of those members voting shall cause a proposal to pass.

Section 3 - Prior to a vote being held, the President must

  1. send all eligible members a notice prior to the general membership meeting that a vote is going to be held;
  2. provide all supporting documents to the members to enable them to make an educated decision;
  3. allow ample time for discussion before a vote is called.
Article VIII – By-laws

Section 1 - The USA shall have by-laws which shall be reviewed as needed.

Article IX – Amendments

Section 1 - The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote. Before becoming effective, any resolution to amend the Constitution must be submitted to and approved by the Executive Board. A copy of the resolution to amend the Constitution must be provided to the association membership by the Corresponding Secretary. There is to be a referendum vote of the association membership within 30 working days from the time the resolution is emailed. The votes are to be tallied and the results made known to the membership.

Ratified 4/26/2017


  • University Staff Association

    Mail Box #: 549