Research Faculty Highlights
NSF Grant
Great job to Dr. Steven Sutherland for landing a grant with three other universities to develop StudyCrafter, an educational game that teaches students how to undertake research. StudyCrafter has been used in Psychological Thinking courses at UHCL. StudyCrafter has been awarded a $2M NSF grant which will bring $450,000 to UHCL.
Featured Work
Great going to Professor Clay Leonard! His work and his students' work were featured at the College of Mainland's ceramics exhibition, CAMEO Emerging Artists Show 2021.
Book publications
Congratulations to the following faculty for recently authoring or co-authoring the following books:
Choreographing Shakespeare: Dance Adaptations of the Plays and Poems - Dr. Elizabeth Klett
Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema - Dr. Barbara Hales
Cooperatives in New Orleans: Collective Action and Urban Development - Dr. Anne Gessler
Education for Knowing: Theories of Knowledge for Effective Student Building - Dr. Paul Wagner
Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Fundamentals, Practices, and Sustainability - Dr. Carl Zhang
Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP - Dr. Kalanka Jayalath
Black Magic Woman: Gender and the Occult in Weimar Germany - Dr. Barbara Hales
Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making, 10th ed. - Dr. Ken Black
Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education: Cases of Learning while Leading - Dr. Denise McDonald (editor)
Confronting Academic Mobbing in Higher Education: Personal Accounts and Administrative Action - Dr. Caroline Crawford (editor)
Object Biographies: Collaborative Approaches to Ancient Mediterranean Art - Dr. Sarah Costello (editor)
Texas Research & Scholarship award
Congratulations to the following faculty for winning a Center for Faculty Development Texas Research & Scholarship for their work on Texas or a community within Texas:
Dr. Adam Hodges - "Nothing More nor Less than Rebellion": Rethinking Southern Labor Politics through the 1946 Houston Municipal Workers' Strike
Dr. Becky Huss-Keeler - The open door: Factors influencing the success of first generation, non-traditional age, Hispanic early childhood educators as university students
Dr. Lory Santiago-Vazquez - On a reef far, far away: Anthropogenic impacts following extreme storms affect sponge health and bacterial communities
Scholarship to Improve the Academy award
Congratulations to the following faculty for winning a Center for Faculty Development Scholarship to Improve the Academy award for research about higher education
Dr. Carol Carman - The relationship between faculty diversity and graduation rates in higher education
Drs. Anton Dubrovskiy and Michelle Peters - Increasing chemistry students' knowledge, confidence, and conceptual understanding of pH using a collaborative computer pH simulation
Drs. Angela Kelling and Nick Kelling - A multi-faceted and practical analysis of online courses at UHCL
Drs. Haeyoung Shin, Michael Lacina, and Shanshan Pan - Schools' CPA review course affiliations and success on the uniform CPA examination
Recent Accomplishments
Congratulations to Dr. Lin (Libby) Yi on three recent publications in top accounting journals. The publication "Hedging, Hedge Accounting, and Earnings Predictability" (with T. Ranasinghe and K. Sivaramakrishnan) in Review of Accounting Studies examines how corporate application of effective and ineffective hedges impacts firms' earnings predictability. Another study, "Do Auditors Charge a Client Business Risk Premium? Evidence from Audit Fees and Derivative Hedging in the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry" (with T. Ranasinghe and L. Zhou), also published in Review of Accounting Studies, provides evidence for the presence of a client business risk premium in audit fees. Finally, the publication "Hedging, Investment Efficiency, and the Role of the Information Environment" (with G. Lobo and T. Ranasinghe) in Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance finds that firms employ hedging derivatives to promote overinvestment and are more likely to do so in a transparent information environment.
Thank you to Dr. Anne Gessler for giving the inaugural off the HSH Presents Faculty Lecture Series with her talk on "Cooperating in the Crescent City: Lessons Learned from New Orleans's Interracial, Intergenerational Cooperative Movement" based on her new book, Cooperatives in New Orleans: Collective Action and Urban Development.
Drs. Roberta Leal and Jessica Donohue-Dioh presented papers at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Dr. Leal presented her paper entitled, Analyzing Multilevel Factors as Predictors of Mental Health with Diverse Young Adults Seeking Care for HIV Services. Dr. Donohue-Dioh is lead presenter on an e-poster entitled, Understanding Human Trafficking Prevention: Analysis of Survivor Qualitative Data.
Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Cherry on the publication of his new book, A Treasured Presence: Filipino American Catholics, with his co-author, Fr. Ricky Manalo, published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Congratulations to Dr. Isabelle Kusters for her recently published article in Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development titled Development of a Hybrid, Interprofessional, Interactive Quality Improvement Curriculum as a Model for Continuing Professional Development. This article examines a method for instructional delivery that is very relevant given the transition to more online modes.
Thank you to Dr. Andrea Baldwin for her work and direction for the UHCL Storytellers presentation of Obscene Phenomena performed virtually on October 15th. This work explored the effects of objectification on femme bodies.
Thanks to Dr. Jeff Lash for working with the UHCL GIS Team to create a GIS Gateway website designed to help the UHCL community explore and access Geographic Information Systems (GIS) learning and teaching resources.
Congratulations to Dr. L. Jean Walker who recently published "The Critical Role of Customer Forgiveness in Successful Service Recovery" in The Journal of Business Research. Her study introduces the concept of forgiveness to the service recovery literature, while connecting recovery strategies, customer forgiveness and service recovery outcomes.
Dr. Dina Abdelzaher just published an article "Management research in the Arab World: What is now and what is next?" in the Journal of International Management with co-authors from Qatar and Egypt. She did a meta-analysis summarizing the management research in the Arab world and pinpointing specific future research directions.
Dr. Christina Cedillo and a co-author from Oklahoma State University published "Relating our experiences: The practice of positionality stories in student-centered pedagogy" in College Composition & Communication. Positionality stories can question academic norms and help students feel a better sense of belonging at a university.
Dr. Brian Wasko, with co-authors from UHCL and the University of Washington, just published "Loss of vacuolar acidity results in iron-sulfur cluster defects and divergent homeostatic responses during aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" in GeroScience. This study identified a sequence of failures that occur inside cells during aging.
UHCL profs publish first study on mental health effects of Harvey

Few studies have been able to research mental health in a large sample within four-to-10 weeks after a disaster, as this study did.
UHCL's prof's book on coping with life after divorce is nominated for award

"Beyond Love Trauma," a book written by University of Houston-Clear Lake's Professor of Educational Foundations Paul Wagner, has been nominated for an International Book Award, which recognizes mainstream and indie authors in multiple categories.
UHCL profs update comprehensive chemistry reference book, are nominated for award
When the first edition of "Larock's Comprehensive Organic Transformations" was originally published in 1989, it became a bible of sorts to chemists; an encyclopedic and systematic collection of chemical reactions with thousands of references.