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Frequently Asked Questions

Program Questions

Why should I enroll in the principal certification program at UHCL?

Students choosing to enroll in our program receive many benefits with some perks, including salary increase (depending on your district), promotion, reputation, and networking. These perks are in addition to the knowledge base our program will provide in your current capacity.

Are there scholarship opportunities to help pay for this program?

Yes.  Visit the Financial Aid page for information on scholarships.

What is the length of the program?

The average length of the program is about two years.

What is the availability of courses (e.g., multiple sites in Houston) each semester?

Every course is provided at the UHCL campus every semester (fall, spring, summer) with the exception of our two practicum courses (ADSU 6638 and ADSU 6739), which are offered in the fall and spring semesters only. Off-site campus courses are offered in rotation to accommodate a majority of students (usually a cohort).

For online-only candidates, ADSU 6432 is offered only in fall and ADSU 6333 is offered only in spring.

Is there flexibility in how the courses are taught (web-enhanced courses)?

Currently, our courses are offered either in a hybrid format, where classes meet face-to-face at least eight times each semester, and online or in field experiences for the remaining classes.

What kinds of activities should I expect in each course in the program?

Relevant field experiences based on TExES domains and competencies are included in each course.

How do I identify and contact my faculty advisor, and how can s/he help me?

You can find out who your advisor is by checking your e-services account, which will highlight your selected faculty advisor and his/her contact information. Your ADSU advisor can help you with program questions only (which courses to take, order in which to take courses, paperwork, etc.). ADSU faculty cannot assist with issues delineated to other departments, such as financial aid or the registrar’s office.

Course Questions

Which courses should I take first?

You can take any course within our program at any time, with the exception of ADSU 6533 (Appraisal of Teaching), which has the prerequisite of ADSU 6030 (Instructional Leadership Development). We highly recommend that our students take ADSU 6030 and ADSU 6132 in their first semester (online-only students: ADSU 6432 and ADSU 6132) and ADSU 6233 and ADSU 6533 (online-only students: ADSU 6233 and ADSU 6333) in their second semester.  These four courses contain significant content to prepare you for the TExES exam, which must be passed before you are allowed to participate in the practicum coursework.

Do any courses have prerequisites?

Only ADSU 6533 (Appraisal of Teaching) includes a prerequisite of ADSU 6030 (Introduction to Educational Leadership).

My school does not let faculty/students leave the campus until 4 p.m. Can I be late for class?

Our courses are scheduled to meet at specific times. Please contact the professor for the specific course in question prior to enrollment regarding any special circumstances.

Graduate Practicum Questions

When can I take the practicum?

Students are eligible to register for ADSU 6638 after they have received a passing score on the Principal TExES 268 state assessment. The course content of ADSU 6638 supports students in the TExES 368/PASL examination.

When is the application due?

Applications must be submitted by June 8 for fall practicum and October 1 for spring practicum.

When will I find out if I am eligible to enroll in the practicum?

The College of Education audits applications, and assignments are set by the program coordinator. A letter will be mailed to you to notify you of your status for enrollment in practicum about a month after the deadline, or as materials are received.

What is the procedure for enrolling in practicum?

The letter you will receive from the College of Education will include instructions and the course section that you will be allowed to register for. The system will not let you enroll independently.

What kinds of activities are included in the practicum?

Students will complete activities providing real world experiences aligned with the state domains and competencies negotiated between the students and their supervising principal. We encourage you to get involved as much as possible, particularly in activities that could include networking.

What is the time commitment for practicum activities?

Students are expected to complete 9 to 12 hours of practicum activities over the course of the class.

TExES Questions

How soon can I take the state exam (TExES 268)?

To receive permission to attempt the exam, you must submit evidence of earning 85 percent on the multiple-choice questions in each of the domains of the Pearson practice examination and have completed ADSU 6030, ADSU 6132, ADSU 6233 and ADSU 6533 (online students:  ADSU 6432, ADSU 6132, ADSU 6233 and ADSU 6333).

What happens if I don't pass the exam on the first attempt?

If you are ready for practicum and haven't passed the exam, you must enroll in ADSU 5010 (Professional Preparation Seminar) to be eligible for registration approval. You may take the exam during the semester you are enrolled in ADSU 5010; however, test registration approval will be removed at the end of the ADSU 5010 semester if you haven’t taken or passed the exam during that semester. Re-enrollment in ADSU 5010 is required for test registration approval in these cases. 



  • College of Education

    Phone: 281-283-3600

    Bayou Building 1237
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 517
    Houston, TX 77058-1002