Remote Access to UHCL Computer Labs
UHCL's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides a Remote Access Dashboard to facilitate accessing lab computers from home.
Remote Access Instructions
- Establish a VPN connection to the campus. VPN instructions for students.
- Once a VPN connection is established, use the Remote Access Dashboard to connect to one of the available computers
The lab computers are organized in groups listed under "Computer Labs" on the left side of the dashboard based on platform (Mac or PC), and the software available. Computers that are already in use, or are offline, are automatically removed from the list of available computers.
Connecting to a Windows Lab Computer
PC Users
- Click the associated "Connect" button which will allow you to download and open a
preconfigured Remote Desktop Connection file by clicking "Download"
- Click RDP file saved and Click connect
- Enter your UHCL Credentials
Students need to enter "PCLAB\" before their username, and faculty and staff need to enter "UHCL\" before their username.
PC users needing to share local devices, drives, etc. to transfer files between a personal PC and a remote lab PC: Sharing Local Devices Using Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) Instructions
Mac Users
- Download and install the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store
- Once a VPN connection is established, use the remote access dashboard to Connect to one of the available computers
- Click the RDP file downloaded
Students need to enter "PCLAB\" before their username, and faculty and staff need to enter "UHCL\" before their username.
Mac users needing to share local devices, drives, etc. to transfer files between a personal Mac and a remote lab PC: Sharing Local Devices From a Mac to Windows Using Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) Instructions.
Connecting to a Mac Lab Computer
Mac Users
- Click the associated "Connect" button
- Click the additional "Connect" button in the pop-up window under "Connecting from
MacOS." This will launch a Screen Sharing session that will prompt you for a username
and password.
- This initial username and password is a common account to access the computer's VNC
Username: uhclvnc
Password: uhcl#2700
This will take you to the Mac's login screen, where you'll enter your normal UHCL credentials.
Windows Users
- Click the associated "Connect" button, then follow the directions under "Connection
from Windows" which includes the download link to a free VNC Viewer
- In VNC Viewer, enter the name of the Mac from the Remote Access Server in the top search bar and connect. Example:
Mac users may also use the VNC Viewer method if they prefer.
Mac users using Screen Sharing needing to transfer files to a lab Mac from their personal Mac, or vice versa, are able to drag-and-drop between computers.
Note: Always remember to logout/sign out of the computer before closing your Remote Desktop, VNC, or Screen Sharing session. Be sure to also disconnect your Cisco Secure Client VPN connection once a campus connection is no longer needed.
Need Assistance?
Please contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT).
Phone: 281-283-2828