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Planning and Assessment

Planning and Assessment contributes to the mission of the university by promoting and leading institutional effectiveness activities. It works closely with the president and provost to track the progress of the university strategic goals; monitors and reviews assessment activities of academic programs and support units to improve learning and teaching; supports compliance with the State of Texas, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and other accrediting bodies; and works closely with the Quality Enhancement Plan leadership committee to ensure the plan is developed and implemented according to the standards established by SACSCOC.

October 15, 2024 - Deadline to submit Assessment Reports and Plans to

Assessment Plan Resources

Assessment Training

Schedule an appointment with an assessment coordinator for one-on-one or group training via Teams/Zoom or in person. Receive instructions on assessments in general and on creating and completing an assessment plan in order to be SACSCOC compliant. Submit request for an appointment to your designated assessment coordinator or to Trainings on Reporting and Planning can run any time and priority is reserved for plan owners from September 1 - October 15.

What is an assessment?

An assessment is the systematic collection and examination of information to determine progress toward a specific goal. The process of assessment fuels efforts for continuous improvement, as academic programs and support units use assessment findings to determine whether intended outcomes were achieved and how best to improve future performance.

Why do we perform assessments?

Assessments ares conducted to ensure that we are constantly focused on improving the learning experience. Academic programs must conduct assessments to improve student learning and establish a strong scholastic reputation. Support units also must perform assessments to promote reliable services and efficient business practices. While assessments are required by accrediting bodies, they are also intrinsic to the nature of higher education, and serve as an essential tool that affords us the ability to evaluate how we are doing and what we can do to improve.

When do we perform assessments?

Faculty and staff assess student learning outcomes and program outcomes throughout the year. We document our findings in the fall of each year through the Office of Planning and Assessment.

How do assessments relate to the funding process?

  1. For academic outcomes that require funding, the college, in consultation with its faculty, will develop a funding priority list. For program outcomes that require funding, the divisions/colleges with consultation with their respective units will develop a division/college level funding priority list. College and divisional leadership will use assessment data in prioritization.
  2. Programs and support units enter funding requests into the Funding Request form. Forms require assessment outcomes to be listed on the request.
  3. The colleges and divisions forward their priority lists to leadership (President, Provost, VPs, etc.). The combined funding priorities will go through the shared governance process for review and recommendation to the President.

Assessment Results

UHCL Assessment Committee


UHCL Assessment Committee 2024-2025

  • Dr. Pam Shefman, Office of Planning and Assessment, Co-Chair
  • Ms. Tammy Braswell, Office of Planning and Assessment, Co-Chair
  • Ms. Carmen Conley, Office of Planning and Assessment (ex-officio)
  • Ms. Karen Elliott, Office of Planning and Assessment (ex-officio)
  • Dr. Ahmed Abukmail, College of Science and Engineering
  • Ms. Luisa Beck, Division of Student Affairs
  • Dr. Joan Bruno, College of Business
  • Mr. Stephen Davis, University Advancement
  • Mr. Richard Floyd, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Dr. David Garrison, College of Science and Engineering
  • Ms. Xaymara Garza, University Advancement
  • Dr. LeeBrian Gaskins, Office of Information Technology
  • Mr. Greg Haines, College of Human Sciences and Humanities
  • Ms. Kendra Hakanson, University Advancement
  • Dr. Sherry Hawn, Administration and Finance
  • Ms. Regan Joswiak, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Mr. Mike Livingston, Office of Information Technology
  • Dr. Kathryn Matthew, Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Shreerekha (Rekha) Pillai, College of Human Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr. Mary Ramos, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Dr. Timothy Richardson, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Mr. Scott Sawyer, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Dr. Terry Shepherd, College of Education
  • Dr. Donna Stringer, College of Business
  • Dr. Dmitry Suspitsyn, College of Education
  • Dr. Troy Voelker, College of Business
  • Dr. Andrew Wiemer, Division of Student Affairs
  • Dr. Omah Williams-Duncan, College of Education
  • Dr. Dawit Woldu, College of Human Sciences and Humanities

UHCL Assessment Committee 2023-2024

  • Dr. Pam Shefman, Office of Planning and Assessment, Co-Chair
  • Ms. Tammy Braswell, Office of Planning and Assessment, Co-Chair
  • Ms. Carmen Conley, Office of Planning and Assessment (ex-officio)
  • Ms. Karen Elliott, Office of Planning and Assessment (ex-officio)
  • Dr. Matt Aschenbrener, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Dr. Joan Bruno, College of Business
  • Mr. Patrick Cardenas, Division of Student Affairs
  • Mr. Mark Denney, Administration and Finance
  • Ms. Yolanda Edmond, Administration and Finance
  • Dr. David Garrison, College of Science and Engineering
  • Mr. Greg Haines, College of Human Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr. Sherry Hawn, Administration and Finance
  • Mr. Bubba Jones, Administration and Finance
  • Mr. Mike Livingston, Office of Information Technology
  • Mr. Russell Miller, Administration and Finance
  • Dr. Sandy Ng, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Dr. David Rachita, Division of Student Affairs
  • Mr. Daniel Ramirez, University Advancement
  • Dr. Mary Ramos, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Dr. Timothy Richardson, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Ms. Deja Sero, Administration and Finance
  • Dr. Donna Stringer, College of Business
  • Dr. Shreerekha (Rekha) Pillai, College of Human Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr. Terry Shepherd, College of Education
  • Mr. Joseph Staley, University Advancement
  • Dr. Troy Voelker, College of Business
  • Dr. Andrew Wiemer, Division of Student Affairs
  • Mr. Richard Zalesak, University Advancement

UHCL Assessment Committee 2022-2023

  • Dr. Pam Shefman, Office of Planning and Assessment, Co-Chair
  • Ms. Tammy Braswell, Office of Planning and Assessment, Co-Chair
  • Mr. Joseph Staley, University Advancement
  • Ms. Kara Hadley-Shakya, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Mr. Mark Denney, Administration and Finance
  • Dr. Timothy Richardson, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Dr. David Garrison, College of Sciences and Engineering
  • Mr. David Rachita, Division of Student Affairs
  • Ms. Deja Sero, Administration and Finance
  • Dr. Donna Stringer, College of Business
  • Mr. Greg Haines, College of Human Sciences and Humanities
  • Ms. Iliana Melendez, Division of Student Affairs
  • Dr. Joan Bruno, College of Business
  • Ms. Judith Coulter, University Advancement
  • Dr. Kathy Matthew, Office of the Provost
  • Ms. Laurice Larsen, University Advancement
  • Ms. Mary Ramos, Student Success & Initiatives
  • Ms. Michelle Lane, College of Education
  • Mr. Mike Livingston, Office of Information Technology
  • Mr. Patrick Cardenas, Division of Student Affairs
  • Mr. Richard Zalesak, University Advancement
  • Mr. Russell Miller, Administration and Finance
  • Ms. Sandy Ng, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Ms. Sherry Hawn, Administration and Finance
  • Mr. Steve Kitchen, Administration and Finance
  • Dr. Terry Shepherd, College of Education
  • Dr. Troy Voelker, College of Business


  • Planning and Assessment

    Phone: 281-283-3061

    Bayou Building 1604
    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

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