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Core Curriculum Assessment: Results and Plans

Current Assessment Plan

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) requires institutions to assess the six core objectives and provide reports to the THECB. As part of these reports, institutions are required to report on direct measurement of student learning for the six core objectives, provide descriptions of the assessment process, and detail follow-up actions.

Core Curriculum Assessment Results

Assessment by Foundational Component Area

The University of Houston-Clear Lake revised its core course assessment in Fall 2018 to a process focused on the Foundational Component Areas. Below are documents which faculty can use to develop their assessment plans, implement their strategies, and prepare an action plan using the assessment results. For Word or Excel documents, please contact the  Office of Planning and Assessment .

  1. Instructions Core Curriculum Assessment Plan (under revision)
  2. Core Curriculum Assessment Plan Template (under revision)
  3. FCA Core Objective Templates (under revision)
  4. UHCL Core Student Learning Outcomes
  5. Rubrics for Core Student Learning
  6. Core Curriculum Assessment Results Template (under revision)

Core Curriculum Resources

Previous Assessment Plan 2014-2020

Faculty who teach each Foundational Component Area course determine how to assess each of the designated 3-4 Core Objectives for that course. These assessments may be projects, presentations, or tests embedded in the course. Regardless of the method the faculty use for assessment, the faculty who develop this process are also responsible for developing a table of how these assessment scores translate to the ratings of Unacceptable, Acceptable, and Excellent. The faculty report the method of assessment, the translation table, a roster of each individual student’s rating to the Office of Planning and Assessment at the end of each semester the course is taught. All six core objectives are covered each semester and all core faculty report each semester.


  • Planning and Assessment

    Phone: 281-283-3061

    Bayou Building 1604
    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002