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Transfer Students

Welcome New Transfer Students

Congratulations on joining the University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL) community! The Orientation and New Student Programs (ONSP) Office is thrilled to welcome you to campus and kickstart your journey as a Hawk. You will be joining a vibrant and diverse community of students from across Texas and around the world. Our orientation process is designed to help you smoothly transition into our Hawk community and prepare you for your first semester! 

Step 1 – Complete Mandatory Orientation Launchpad Online Pre-Orientation Modules 

Step 2 – Complete Advising & Course Registration

Step 3 – Attend Mandatory In-Person New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) is the mandatory New Student Orientation program for all new transfer students with 30 or more credit hours.

Students who fail to attend the entire required program will have a hold placed on their accounts and will not be able to enroll in classes the following semester. All incoming transfer students will be charged a non-refundable $50 orientation fee. Orientation fee payment is due upon orientation registration or will be reflected on your tuition and fee statement.

Sign-Up For New Student Orientation (NSO)

You must be an admitted incoming transfer student to register for NSO. Depending on which academic semester you are admitted for, we offer a specific NSO Session for you to attend. You will receive an email to your UHCL application email when orientation registration is open for your admitted semester. 

Remember, all new transfer students with 30 or more credit hours must sign up for and complete the NSO program to fulfill the university orientation requirement.

When orientation registration opens for your admit semester, register via the "Orientation" tile in E-Services, accessible via

If you encounter technical difficulties, need to look up your username, reset your password, or require assistance with Two-Factor Authentication via Duo, please contact the Office of Information Technology at (281) 283-2828 or

Attend New Student Orientation (NSO)

Attending a New Student Orientation (NSO) session is the final step for a successful transition to your first semester at the University of Houston-Clear Lake! These sessions are offered with a variety of dates, so you will be able to select a day that works best for your schedule.

What is New Student Orientation?

NSO is your gateway to an exciting journey at the University of Houston – Clear Lake! A non-refundable orientation fee of $50 will be charged to all incoming students, due upon registration or reflected in your tuition and fee statement. This essential program is designed to help you transition smoothly into campus life. During NSO, you will:

  • Discover Campus Resources
  • Connect with Fellow Hawks
  • Engage with The Campus Community
  • Prepare for Success At UHCL

Sample Schedule Coming Soon

NSO Registration and Session Dates

All Orientation Programs will be held in-person on UHCL's Main Campus. Times are CST.

Admitted Semester: Spring 2025

  • Tuesday, January 7, 2025; 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
  • Friday, January 10, 2025; 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Please connect with your Academic Advisor or Academic College individually to register for your courses. Course registration is separate from the NSO program.

Registration now open via the "Orientation" tile in E-Services, accessible via

Admitted Semester: Summer 2025 & Fall 2025

Registration opens March 2025

  • Dates to be announced

Note: You will not be able to sign up for orientation until the orientation for your admitted semester is open. Once registration is open, you will receive an email to your UHCL student email with instructions on how to register.

Family and Guest Program and Resources

Congratulations to the parents, friends, and family members of our incoming UHCL Hawks! You can play an active and supportive role for your student as they transition to their academic and social life at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Our office offers various programs and resources to help better inform and prepare you to support your student.

Family and Guest At New Student Orientation (NSO)

Although we do not offer a separate Family and Guest Orientation Program during our New Student Orientation program, family members and guests are welcome to join their students during orientation. The cost for this program is $40 for each family member or guest (guests under 12 are not charged). The charge can be paid before orientation or at check-in on the day of the session.

Learn more and register your family or guest to attend NSO!

Advising and Class Registration

It is important to note, that students will not enroll in courses during New Student Orientation. The advising and registration process varies based on your student type and academic college. Please check your student email for detailed instructions on beginning your course registration. Your advisor will help you plan your first semester courses, review your academic degree plan, and adjust the advising hold to allow you to register for classes. You can also visit the Academic Advising Website for more information.

Special Accommodations

Any individual requiring an accommodation in order to participate in this event should contact Orientation and New Student Programs at (281) 283-2420 or at least one week prior to the event. 


If you have any questions or concerns about the orientation process or the New Student Orientation program that weren't answered above, please contact the Orientation and New Student Programs Office at (281) 283-2420 or We look forward to seeing you! 


  • Orientation and New Student Programs

    Phone: 281-283-2420
    Fax: 281-283-2425

    SSCB 1202
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 257
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office hours:
    Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Please call ahead during holidays and semester breaks.