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Teaching Assistant

The College of Science and Engineering employs graduate student Teaching Assistants (TAs) to help provide quality instruction and enhance the learning environment for CSE students.

To be considered for a TA position, an applicant must be:

  • A graduate student in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.
  • Enrolled in a minimum of six hours during long semesters, or be enrolled in a minimum of one hour during the summer semesters.
  • Making satisfactory progress toward a degree in CSE, with a signed Candidate Plan of Study on file.

TA applications are available from the secretaries within your academic department, or requested at the front desk in the CSE office (Suite 3611 of the Bayou Building). Upon fully completing the TA application and any other department or program-level application requirements, securing a faculty recommender's signature (if required by the department), and signing, return the form to your academic department or program per their instructions.

Once it has been determined that you meet the minimum requirements, your application must be approved by the CSE department chair that is responsible for the discipline in which you have applied to work. If selected; you will be notified by the academic department for which you will work as per your department's notification process and or procedure. If you are selected for hire as a Teaching Assistant, and you have not worked for UHCL within the preceding 12 months, then you must document your eligibility to work, complete your administrative paperwork, and return your completed paperwork.

Document your Eligibility to Work

You will NOT be paid for any work before you complete your I-9 documentation.

  1. If you do not have a social security number, contact a secretary within your academic department for instructions.
  2. Present your driver's license and Social Security card or passport at the Office of Human Resources (room 2537 of the Bayou Building).
  3. Complete INS Form I-9. All employees must document their immigration status as required by the Immigration Reform Act of 1986.

Complete your Administrative Paperwork

Administrative forms are provided online at: University of Houston-Clear Lake - Temporary/Part-Time Employment Manual. Complete all the forms in the following sections:

  1. Section 1: The following forms are for ALL Employees to complete
  2. Section 4: Nonresident Alien Employees on F-1, H-1, or J-1 Visas
  3. Section 5: Student Worker Certification

Returning Your Completed Paperwork

Return your completed paperwork to Bayou Room 3611.

  1. Direct your questions regarding your completed paperwork to Ceisly Delco (281-283-3822).
  2. Visit UHCL Health Services to learn more about health insurance available to UHCL students.

All Teaching Assistants must attend an orientation each semester when held by their academic department.


  • College of Science and Engineering Office of Academic Advising

    Phone: 281-283-3711

    Bayou Building 3611
    2700 Bay Area Blvd
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office Hours:
    Mon-Thu: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
    Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Drop-In Advising Hours (no appointment required):
    Wed: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
    Hours subject to change during peak registration. Please call ahead to confirm.

    College of Science and Engineering Office of the Dean

    Phone: 281-283-3700

    Bayou Building 3611
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 415
    Houston, TX 77058-1002