Hannah Dietrich, Ed.D.
Lecturer of Writing,
College of Human Sciences and Humanities
Contact number: 281-283-3338
Email: dietrich@UHCL.edu
Office: Bayou 1508.07
Hannah Dietrich, Ed.D. earned her Doctorate of Education in LIteracy from Sam Houston
State University in 2022 and a Master of Arts in English from Sam Houston State University
in 2018. She has taught a variety of English classes and grades in public high schools
and worked with her school district to offer trainings for other educators.
She earned the Educator Achieving Excellence award in 2017. She also served as the
Managing Editor for Literacy Research and Instruction for 4 years (2018-2022). Her
research centers on teacher discourses in the classroom, student motivation, and pragmatics.
Dietrich's dissertation study consisted of a multiple baselines experimental case
study design to measure the impact of teacher discourse surrounding the importance
and value of class content and its impact on student motivation. Her masters thesis
focused on changes over time from 1940-2016 advertisements and how they used direct
imperatives in a persuasive genre.
Areas of Expertise
- Discourse analysis
- Classroom discourse
- Sociolinguistics
Courses (Current Academic Year)
- WRIT 3304: Writing in Education
- WRIT 3315: Advanced Technical Writing