Educational Resources
UHCL - Low Carb Houston 2018
Nadir Ali, MD
Homeostatic Regulation of LDL: Evolutionary conversation of lipoproteins and their role in human health.
Peter Ballerstedt, PhD
Ruminant reality: Diet, human health and the environment.
Amy Berger
Alzheimer's disease as type 3 diabetes: A metabolic disease with a nutritional strategy to fight it.
Ivor Cummins
An engineering view of insulin resistance and inflammation.
Maryanne Demasi, PhD
Statin Wars - Have we been misled by evidence?
David Diamond, PhD
A rigorous assessment of the myth that cholesterol causes heart disease.
Andreas Eenfeldt, MD
A bird's eye view of the low-carb diet for metabolic disease, obesity, cancer, inflammatory disorders and dementia.
Jake Kushner, MD
Medical nutritional therapy for people with type 1 diabetes: Fact vs. fiction.
Amber O'Hearn
Carnivory, ketosis, and the development of the human brain.
Gary Taubes
The global obesity epidemic: Is dietary and animal fat the culprit? Evidence based on 20 years of investigative journalism.
Eric Westman, MD
Two decades of experience with low carb diets.