Diana Wandix-White, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Multicultural Education,
College of Education
Contact number: 281-283-3574
Email: wandixwhite@uhcl.edu
Office: B1325
Dr. Wandix-White has been an educator for over 20 years. She has taught various levels
and aspects of English/language arts at the middle and high school, junior college,
and university levels and has also served in k-12 administration.
She earned a Bachleor of Arts in Communication Studies from Washburn University, a
Master of Education in Reading Education at Prairie View A&M, and her Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction at Texas A&M University, where she researched
urban education and the culture of care in K–12 public schools.
Her teaching experience, along with her education, draws her to issues of equity in
education — especially issues at the intersection of race and a culture of care in
K-12 classrooms; the effect of intercultural communication on equity pedagogy; and
culturally relevant pre-service teacher preparation.
Her scholarship has been well received, resulting in article publications in the highest
rated journal in the field of urban education; research presentation at various education
conferences around the globe, including in Brazil, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Scotland,
South Africa, and multiple cities in the United States; and a TEDx Talk, titled “C.A.R.E.—Calling
all responsible educators.”
Areas of Expertise
- Classroom culture of care
- Urban learning environment
- Multicultural education
- Classroom management
- Wandix-White, D., & Mokuria, V. (2022). The time of our lives: Sick, sordid, cyclical. Equity & Excellence in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/10665684.2021.2021667
- James, M. C., Wandix-White, D., Waxman, H.C., Rivera, H., & Harmon, W. (2021). Remixing resilience: A critical examination of urban middle school learning environments among resilient African American learners. Urban Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085921991632
- Young, J., Butler, B., King, N., Wandix-White, D. (2021). The time is now: (Re)visioning, (re)assessing, and (re) storing the state of educational research for African American women and girls. Journal of African American Women and Girls in Education. 1(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.21423/jaawge-v1i1a83
- Mokuria, V., Wandix-White, D. (2021). Cinder and soul: The biography of a historically significant African American School in Dallas, Texas. Journal of Social Studies Education Research. 12(1), 76-94.
- Mokuria, V., & Wandix-White, D. (2021). Something is a bit fishy: Wading through Helen’s experiences in relational realms. In Asadi, L. & Craig, C. J. (Eds.), Truth and knowledge in curriculum making (pp.181-202). Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Wandix-White, D. (2020). Caring and uncaring teacher practices: Examples from past offer guidance for present and hope for future. Urban Education. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0042085920914354
- Wandix-White, D. (2020). The impact of teacher-student (dis)connection on Black student and teacher identity development in U.S. schools. Journal of Autoethnography. 1(3), 234-251. http://doi.org/10.1525/joae.2020.1.3.234
- Wandix-White, D. (2020). Care, control, and color: A conversation about disparities in school disciplinary practices. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, 2(2), 81-97. https://doi.org/10.46303/jcsr.2020.11
- Hill-Jackson, V., Wandix-White, D., Gilley, T. (2020). University-based teacher residencies in Texas: Advanced clinical training for preservice candidates. TxEP: Texas Educator Preparation, 13-29.
- Mokuria, V., Wandix-White, D. (2020). Care and value-creating education put into action in Brazil: A narrative inquiry. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education. 9(SI), 14-32. https://ojed.org/jise
Courses (Current Academic Year)
SILC 4315
SILC 6030
Research Projects
Dr. Wandix-White's research is focused on issues of equity in education — especially issues at the intersection of race and a culture of care in K-12 classrooms; the effect of intercultural communication on equity pedagogy; and culturally relevant pre-service teacher preparation.
Awards and Accomplishments
- Chancellor’s Academy of Teacher Educators (CATE) Award (2021)
- Selected panel discussant with U.S. Secretary of Education Cardona and U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro (2021)
- Texas A&M University College of Education and Human Development Merit Fellowship (2016-2019)