Caroline M. Crawford, Ed.D., M.L.A., B.A.T.
Professor of Instructional Design and Technology,
College of Education
Contact number: 281-283-3587
Email: crawford@uhcl.edu
Office: Bayou Suite 1125.10
Caroline M. Crawford, Ed.D., is a professor of instructional design and technology.
She earned her doctoral degree from the University of Houston in 1998, with specialization
areas in instructional technology and curriculum theory. She began her tenure at University
of Houston-Clear Lake the same year.
Dr. Crawford has designed, developed and instructed several courses during her tenure
at UHCL, including Trends and Issues; Advanced Applications of Technology; Multimedia
Design; Multimedia Development; Analyzing Emerging Technologies; Applications of Technology;
Training Practicum; Advanced Grant and Proposal Writing; Applications of Java, Multimedia
for Educators; Change Leadership, Creating Digital Resources; Project Management and
Grant Writing; Web Development; Teaching and eLearning; Learning Theory and Instruction;
and, Performance Technology. She has designed, developed and implemented at least
14 online and hybrid course learning environments, with strong formative and summative
feedback from the learners within the courses and subject matter experts in the field.
Her scholarly pursuits are varied, including more than 200 international, national
and regional refereed journal articles, refereed book chapters, including innumerable
conference proceeding publications, non-refereed journal articles, and edited book
chapters. There are also at least 26 publication reprints.
Dr. Crawford has presented more than 300 professional conference-focused presentations
and over a dozen poster sessions, with keynote presentations at local and regional
conferences. She has also published eight edited books, with five co-edited books
and three edited books. In addition, two co-edited books are currently in process
with the publication expected during 2022. In addition, she is one of the founding
co-editors of the journal International Journal of eSports Research.
She has a history of honored positions, including as a managing editor for the Society
for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) refereed review of conference
manuscript proposals; review editor for six international refereed journals; and reviewer
for innumerable regional, national and international refereed journals and professional
conferences. A prior honored position was as chairperson for the Association of Teacher
Educators’ Commission on Classroom Teachers as Associated Teacher Educators.
Dr. Crawford was awarded the prestigious University of Houston-Clear Lake 2009 Outstanding
Professor Award. Within the business and industry sector, she has successfully engaged
in instructional design and strategic organizational contracts. Her main areas of
interest focus upon esports research and online learning environments. This includes
the business of eSports, communities of learning and communities of practice, instructional
design, learning theory implementation (including her developing implicit cognitive
vulnerability theory), and the appropriate and successful integration of technologies
into the learning environment. The learning environment may be envisioned as face-to-face,
blended and online (virtual or text-driven) environments, as well as microlearning
and microassist deliverables.
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Expertise
- Instructional design
- Professional development environments
- Adult learning and training
- Talent development
- Organizational performance
- Distance learning environments
- Hybrid learning environments
- Flipped learning environments
- Interactive activities and engagement
- Microlearning
- Microassists
- Instructionally relevant eSports
- Learning analytics
- Collegial communities of engagement
- Implicit cognitive vulnerability
Select recent publications (for a wider range of publications, please review the available
Curriculum Vitae).
Edited Books
- Andrews, S., & Crawford, C. M. (Eds.). (2021). Pathways and opportunities into the business of esports. IGI Global.
- Crawford, C. M. (Ed.). (2021). Shifting to online learning through faculty collaborative support. IGI Global.
- Crawford, C. M., & Simons, M. A. (Eds.). (2021). eLearning engagement in a transformative social learning environment. IGI Global.
- Crawford, C. M., Andrews White, S., & Young Wallace, J. K. (accepted, 2021). Implicit cognitive vulnerability through nudges, boosts and bounces. International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things (IJHIoT).
- Crawford, C. M., Andrews, S., & Wallace, J. K. Y. (2021). Co-creative collegial communities of instructional engagement. International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things (IJHIoT), 5(2), 38-56.
- Andrews, S. K., Michael, T. B., Williams, M. A., Lacher, L. L., & Crawford, C. M. (2021). Impact of esports upon higher education from a faculty perspective: Transformational pathways and opportunities. In S. K. Andrews & C. M. Crawford’s (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Pathways and Opportunities into the Business of eSports (pp. 149-178). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-7998-7300-6.ch008
- Crawford, C. M., Newsum, J. M., White, S. A., & Wallace, J. Y. (2021a). Creativity and Impactful Learning Through Implicit Cognitive Vulnerability. In Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management (pp. 744-761). IGI Global.
- Crawford, C. M., Newsum, J. M., White, S. A., & Wallace, J. Y. (2021b). Supporting Community Engagement Through Real-World Instructional Learning. In Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management (pp. 415-431). IGI Global.
- Crawford, C. M., Simons, M. A., & Walters, R. (2021). Social learning through a participative storytelling framework: Rethinking essence of course engagement. In C.M. Crawford & M. A. Simons’ (Eds.) eLearning Engagement in a Transformative Social Learning Environment (pp. 44-67). IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6956-6.ch003
- Simons, M. A., & Crawford, C. M. (2021). RREDS: An instructional design model based on microlearning events and curricular engagement. In J. R. Corbeil, B. H Khan, & M. E. Corbeil (Eds.) Microlearning in the Digital Age: The Design and Delivery of Learning in Snippets (pp. 214-239). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367821623
Courses (Current Academic Year)
- INST 5130 Learning Theory for Instruction
- INST 5131 Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology
- INST 5433 Project Management for Instructional Projects
- INST 5233 Performance Technology
- INST 5333 Systematic Design of Technology-Based Instruction
- INST 6031 Applications of Technology
- INST 5035 Creating Digital Resources
- INST 5135 Multimedia for Design Applications
- INST 6137 Technology and eLearning
Research Projects
- Implicit cognitive vulnerability theory
- Organizational performance through talent development
- Collegial communities of engagement
- Interactive activities and engagement
- Instructional design
- Performance improvement
- Adult learning
- Training
- Microlearning
- Microassists
Awards and Accomplishments
- 2020 Piper Award Nomination, University of Houston-Clear Lake
- 2014 Association of Teacher Educators 2014 President’s Service Award
- 2010 Excellence in Innovative Research Award for Outstanding Book Chapter Nomination
- 2010 Distinguished Fellow in The Academy of Ubiquitous Communication Educators (AUCE)
- 2009 University of Houston-Clear Lake Outstanding Professor Award