Jane Cooper, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Qualitative Methods,
College of Education
Contact number: 281-841-4858
Email: cooperja@uhcl.edu
Office: B1111-12
Dr. Jane McIntosh Cooper is an assistant professor of qualitative research at University
of Houston-Clear Lake. While she currently teaches doctoral students, she has spent
over a decade working in teacher education, teaching pre-service teachers how to differentiate
and connect with "hard-to-teach" students in urban contexts in the greater Houston
Modeling an inquiry stance into her own practices, she promotes K-12 educators to
continuous improvement and growth in professional practice. Currently, her research
agenda includes inquiries into novice teacher experiences during Covid and post-Covid
and investigations into peer mentoring, expanding the tradition and work of her ongoing
collaborations with Faculty Academy and Las Chicas Criticas.
In her supports of doctoral students completing their dissertations, Dr. Cooper supports
qualitative inquiry into personal, practical and societal problems of practice. As
research is only as successful as the questions asked, she looks to ask questions
that lead to practical, democratic, and equitable decision-making for students in
educational institutions.
Areas of Expertise
- Qualitative research methodologies
- Critical and responsive pedagogies
- Cooper, J.M., Beaudry, C.E, & Gauna, L. (2023-accepted). Listening Pedagogies: Teacher Silence as the Threshold to Responsive Teaching. In Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.), Enacting Self-Study as Methodology for Professional Inquiry. Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) selfstudysig.wordpress.com.
- Beaudry, C.E., Cooper, J.M., & Gauna, L. (2023 – accepted). Ungrading as Pedagogic Turning Point in “Forever on the Way” to Becoming Critical Teacher Educators. Enacting Self-Study as Methodology for Professional Inquiry. Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) selfstudysig.wordpress.com. 2020
- Cooper, J. M., Beaudry, C. E., & Gauna, L. (2022). Composing our best-loved selves: Using the educational disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic to reforge our teacher educator identities. In C. Craig, D. McDonald, & G. Curtis (Eds.). Bestloved self: Learning and leading in teaching and teacher education. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Beaudry, C., Cooper, J.M., & Gauna, L. (2021). Voices from social education: Challenging
neoliberalism through a social education Ed.D. In C. S. White, B. E. Pohl & C. Beaudry
(Eds.), Voices of social education: A pedagogy of change. Information Age Publishing.
- Cooper, J. M. & Curtis, G. A. (2021). Employing self-study research across the curriculum.
In S. Watson (Ed.), Conceptual Analyses of Curriculum Inquiry Methodologies (155-181).
- Cooper, J.M. & Gronseth, S. L. (2020). Pedagogical tapestries: Cross-course collaboration
for authentic student learning. In Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.), Enacting Self-Study
as Methodology for Professional Inquiry. Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices
(S-STEP) selfstudysig.wordpress.com.
- Gauna, L., Cooper, J.M. & Beaudry, C. & Curtis, G.A. (2020). A tapestry of voices:
enhancing pedagogies of critical dialogue in teacher education classrooms. In Dawn
Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.), Enacting Self-Study as Methodology for Professional
Inquiry. Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) selfstudysig.wordpress.com.
- Cooper, J.M., Turchi, L. & Kuszynski, M. (2020). Discovering stories that data might
be telling: Collaborative research as leadership, and lessons learned in promoting
a culture of evidence. In C.J. Craig, L.Turchi and D. McDonald (Eds.), Cross-Disciplinary,
Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education: Cases of Learning and Leading.
(Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, Macmillan).
- Cooper, J. M., Gauna, L. M., Beaudry, C. E. & Curtis, G. A. (2020). Sustaining Critical
Practice in Contested Spaces: Educators Resist Narrowing Definitions of Curriculum.
In C.J. Craig, L.Turchi and D. McDonald (Eds.), Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional
Collaboration in Teacher Education: Cases of Learning and Leading. (Cham, Switzerland:
Palgrave, Macmillan).
- Cooper, J.M., Beaudry, C., Gauna, L., Curtis, G.A. (2018). Theory and practice: Exploring the boundaries of critical pedagogy through Self-Study. In Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.), Enacting Self-Study as Methodology for Professional Inquiry. Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) selfstudysig.wordpress.com.
Courses (Current Academic Year)
Qualitative Research
Advanced Qualitative Research