Academic Honesty: Faculty Checklist
The following steps are to ensure that the student has the opportunity to seek and receive clarification and an understanding of the violation being alleged. It is the intention that the instructor and student have a conversation regarding the possible infraction. The goal is for an educational conversation to take place so that learning can occur, regardless of whether it is determined that a violation did or did not take place. Furthermore, the burden of proof lies with the instructor/University. It is imperative that all evidence is clear and concise.
Alleged Violation
When an alleged violation of the Honesty Code is discovered, you, as the instructor, must first complete steps 1 - 5 below.
- Notify the student of the allegation (in-person, telephone or by email) and begin investigation of the allegation. The policy states that, “Faculty should immediately investigate the alleged violation."
- Invite and encourage the student to meet with you within 10 business days to discuss the alleged violation. (Note: the meeting can take place face-to-face or virtually)
- If the student is agreeable to meeting, allow the student to present a defense on their own behalf.
- If after this meeting you determine that no violation has occurred, the investigation ends and no sanction is imposed.
- If after 10 business days the student has elected not to meet, and/or a violation has been determined after the meeting, submit the Academic Honesty Violation Form to the Dean of Students.
Violation Occurred
If you as the instructor determine that a violation has occurred, you must complete steps 6 - 7 as outlined below.
6. Determine which of the following sanctions you will impose:
- Require the student to complete another assignment.
- Assign a grade of "F" or Zero on the assignment.
- Assign a grade reduction on the assignment.
- Assign a final grade penalty for the course.
- Other - describe below (on the form)
- Recommend sanctions beyond the course - referral to Academic Honesty Panel
7. Document the violation and sanction on the Academic Honesty Violation Form.
- The instructor signs and dates the form.
- Forward the form to the Dean of Students either after the meeting took place, or after the 10-business day period ended with no meeting.
- Forward a copy of the form to the student and to your Department Chair.
Student Response/Closing the Loop
The Student decides how to proceed; follow steps 8 - 9 as outlined below.
8. The Dean of Students will then inform the student that they have an additional
business-day period to either accept or appeal the violation.
9. In the event a case of academic dishonesty is not resolved prior to the deadline
reporting final grades to the Registrar's Office, you, the instructor, assign
a grade of
Incomplete ("I") until the appropriate grade can be determined (Faculty
Imposing Greater Sanctions
** If you, as the instructor determine that a greater sanction (i.e. probation, suspension or expulsion) should be imposed (after the first 10-business day period, step 2), or if the student has previously been officially sanctioned while at UHCL, the situation becomes one of a major offense and must be referred to the Dean of Students to initiate a formal hearing before the Academic Honesty Council.
For more detailed information, please review the Academic Honesty Policy in detail.